Reusable Gloves

We are proud to announce a partnership to distribute Polyco products in selected global markets. Their comprehensive range of industry leading products. All Polyco gloves are tried and tested to work in the toughest industrial settings. Gloves are tested to a wide array of characteristics in the EU and USA.

All EU personal protective equipment (PPE) gloves must comply with the standard EN 21420, Protective Gloves General Requirements and Test Methods. Other standards, some of which are explained below, relate to specific types of hazards.

US gloves are technically specified under the guidance of the American National Standard ANSI/ISEA 105:2016, this is widely recognised as the standard US gloves are compared against.

Choosing the right glove for your needs is critical to ensuring the protection of your workforce and increasing productivity, reducing downtime through injury or fatigue.

Chemical Risk - EN374-1 gloves are tested against chemical permeation and classified in Types A/B/C and can also be tested against bacteria/fungi and viruses.

• Mechanical Risk - EN388 6 categories of test 5 of which are mandatory

• Thermal Risk - EN407 6 categories of test

• Cold Risk - EN511 3 categories of test

Check out our full catalogue here

General Purpose Reusable Gloves



    Specialist Gloves

    Stock is subject to availability.

    Product Specifications are subject to change by the manufacturer. 

    EN 374-1 is the standard for protective gloves against dangerous chemicals and micro-organisms

    EN388:2016 is the standard for protective gloves and other hand protective equipment against mechanical risks.

    EN407:2004 is the standard for protective gloves and other hand protective equipment against thermal risks (heat and/or fire).

    EN511:2006 is the standard for Protective gloves and other hand protective equipment against cold

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